Kelly Lyn Marquis, Winall Coaching

A little bit about me…

Thank you for checking out my page. I would love the opportunity to share my personal story with you. It will give you a sense of what led me to writing and coaching. There is so much I have learned along the way. Throughout much of my life I had an underlying feeling that there must be something more.

What did I mean by more? Good question, I took me a long time to figure that out. Once I found it my life started shifting at breakneck speed.

I have always been very driven.

In the beginning, my drive played out in school and in sports. I was always seeking to be the best I could be. I always demanded more of myself. I was fiercely competitive. I laid everything I had out on the court or in the field. I was captain of my sports teams. In little league, I was the only girl on the team, and I was voted an all-star. Later my drive was focused on succeeding in my career. I worked to put myself through college. When I graduated from college I immediately found work in public relations. Upon full employment at the age of 22, I was sure to maximize contributions to my retirement account. While signing loan papers on one of the first cars I bought I told the loan officer that I intended to pay it off in under two years. He laughed at me, and said, “most people set out to do that but never do.” I just looked at him and thought you don’t know me… and of course paid the car off in less two years.

Number #1 in my profession

I bought my first house when I was 26. During my twenties I worked two jobs. My primary job was working in public relations. However, as time went by I quickly discovered that I hated working in an office. I felt cooped-up. I missed the intensity of competition. I found myself more and more wanting to be at dog shows where I could combine my love of animals with my love of competition through professional dog handling. Whenever I wasn’t working, I was at a dog show (or playing volleyball in the evenings). I came up with a plan in which I told myself I could stop working in public relations once I was making $30,000 showing dogs. Once this happened, I would transition fully into showing dogs. I did this at the age of 30. After being in my chosen career full-time for just a few years, I earned the distinction of  #1 Working dog handler in the country. Wow! I should have been elated.

I’m a success, now what?

Surprising, accomplishing all this is such a short time period was a bit disconcerting. I was 34 years old, and accomplished everything I ever wanted. I was married, had a couple of nice cars, a 40 foot RV, a home, and a wonderful career… but now what? I found myself in a strange space wondering what I should do with my life. I had all the things and accomplishments I hoped for and it just felt hollow. I felt selfish and empty. Something didn’t feel right. I was so obsessed with accomplishing and acquiring that I never stopped to ask myself why. In my career, I thought I was proving to everyone that I was good enough… it turns out that no one else really questioned that. Others knew I was good at what I did. I finally had the epiphany when it was all over that proving my worth was something I needed to do for myself. I didn’t realize it at the time, but a part of me really felt that if I earned that trophy, I would feel worthy. Well in my experience, trophies don’t make you feel worthy. To truly believe in your own worth, when you’ve doubted it your whole life, requires a different kind of focus. Self-worth is found on the inside, not the outside.

I have told you this story, not to brag, but to show you how I got lost.

We often get so consumed in our lives that we don’t take time to stop and look around, think about how we got where we are, and what direction we want to be headed in.

It took me a long time to figure out what that something more was. When I finally figured it out, my life really started to change.

I stopped looking out at the world and started looking in. I’ve learned to tune-into my body and mind. It requires discipline to shift back into this way of living. Like the dogs we love so much, we are all born knowing exactly what we need. Yet over time, we are conditioned and taught not to listen to this inner knowing. I am becoming masterful in listening to and allowing my inner knowing to guide me. I am excited to share this process with you. I am passionate about sharing my triumphs as well as my missteps, as there need no need for judgement, only awareness, love and compassion for we are all learning, and we never really do get “there”! I am eager to help you discover your own unique path to your most joyful and powerful experience in love, life and business.

I’d love to work with you!

Start winning in life today, schedule your complimentary life coaching session at:

(603) 770-5607

Kelly @

Looking or searching for: life coach near me, life coach Manchester, NH, life coach Boston, MA or life coaching anywhere in the world? Please know that I work with clients all over the country and world by phone or You can reach me, Kelly Lyn Marquis, at (603) 770-5607 or Kelly @